The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Governor Awards Sept 23-July 24



In just the few weeks that this little girl has been at school, she has already demonstrated such a love for Religious Education. She is always respectful, listens carefully during lessons, and makes wonderful contributions to RE and class prayers. She has recently received a ‘Wow Voucher’ for trying to live out her life like St Therese. This little girl has demonstrated her knowledge on some Saints and understands that we should all try to be more like Jesus in our everyday lives. Just this week, she demonstrated that she is a leader of her faith, as she led our class liturgical prayer, leading the Rosary and helping her peers join in with the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer. This little girl tries so hard to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and demonstrates the virtue of love by thinking of others before herself. She has such a gentle nature and is an incredibly kind and loving child, who is always striving to be the best she can be. She is a fantastic role model to her peers, and we are very blessed to have her in our class. We are so proud of you, well done Isabella!

Year 1

It is a pleasure to present this term’s Governor’s award to a member of St Joseph’s class who is both kind and caring. This hardworking individual has a fantastic attitude to their learning and always strives to be the best they can be. Over the past few weeks, it has been lovely to see their confidence grow and becoming more resilient in their learning. Our school virtues of faith, hope and love are clearly present in this young girl’s attitude to life. She has settled really well into Year 1 and her positive attitude acts as a beacon of light, inspiring those around her. Thank you for shining so brightly this term – Rosie.

Year 2

This individual is a very conscientious, kind and enthusiastic member of St Peter’s class. In all that he does, he demonstrates the key values at St Joseph’s; his confidence shines through both inside and outside of the classroom, and he sets high expectations for himself and others by always looking to deepen his understanding. He is a fantastic role model for the other children in the class; he demonstrates the values of an exceptional learner through his unwavering self-belief and enthusiasm to contribute to classroom discussions. He takes a keen interest in all of our subjects, and shows amazing resilience throughout each task – even when they may be a little challenging. Through his faith, hope and love, he shows the other children how they can achieve their goals in life by being respectful, believing in yourself and showing kindness to others. This individual is always using his initiative to further his learning, showing his peers what it means to love your studies. Thank you, Ruari, for always being such a kind, enthusiastic and conscientious member of St Peter’s class, and for always REACHing in everything you do.

Year 3

It is a pleasure to present the Governor’s award for this term to a member of St. Patrick’s class who works hard to REACH in everything they do. Every day, this child enters our room with peace, spreading calmness to those around them. She embodies the words of St. Peter Julian Eymard when he said, “Keep your soul at peace, in order to be able to be attentive and very faithful to the inner movement of the Holy Spirit”. This child works with high expectations and resilience no matter the subject, and is always keen to spread our virtue of love by being a good friend to those around her. Most recently, she has been helping the whole school grow in faith through her work in Chaplaincy – a position she takes with respect and understanding for the gospel. Well done Bella, we are so lucky to have you in our class!

Year 4

With an infectious smile, that lights up a room, this hardworking and aspiring individual strives to REACH in every area of his day. This delightful young man fully embodies Proverbs 17:22 which says “a joyful heart is good medicine”. This young man is certainly good medicine for our class as his joy is infectious! From the minute he walks into our classroom, to the moment he leaves; he will ensure that he smiles, says kind things to support his peers, compliments the lessons he enjoys, and faces challenges with all our REACH values shining through. This young man shares all his ideas in an articulate way, always thinking deeply about the concepts being presented to him. Anyone who knows this individual knows that he casts all shadows away and brightens our school community, inspiring others to achieve throughout their school day too.
Thank you for being our good medicine: Finlay.

Year 5

It is a pleasure to present this term’s Governor’s award to a member of St Teresa’s class, who is both kind and thoughtful. This individual has grown so much in such a short space of time, regardless of what life throws her way.
She has demonstrated that she strives to REACH in everything she does, demonstrating the key values in our School’s Mission Statement. As it is written by the Corinthians, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” This quote sums up this creative young girl, as she demonstrates love and empathy effortlessly on a daily basis.
Remember: “In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence,” Ephesians 3:12. With confidence, you can achieve anything you set your mind to; you are special and unique never forget that!
Thank you, Tansy, for your unwavering love and commitment to being the best that you can be.

Year 6

Since the start of Year 6, this young lady has brightened the classroom as she demonstrates our REACH values in everything that she does. She embodies this quote from Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,” as she possesses all of these qualities. I have watched how she interacts with everyone in school and observed how kind, caring, and thoughtful she is especially towards her reception buddy. On residential, she impressed everyone with her ability to seize all the opportunities that she was offered approaching everything with joy and humbleness whilst supporting those around her. She pushes herself to be the best that she can be in RE lessons and shares insightful and thought-provoking ideas in her work. She is a true role model for the school as she is one of our house captains; through this position, she can lead others and inspire people to be the best they can be through faith, hope, and love. What a pleasure to have you in our class and to see you follow in the footsteps of Jesus; I can’t wait to see you grow in your final year at St Joseph’s Harmony.



We would like to award this term's Governor Award to a little boy who has a heart of gold. He is a little ray of sunshine in our classroom and he always tries to use his positivity to help others feel happy. He is kind, thoughtful and polite, always being the best he can be. This little boy is respectful during Liturgical Prayers, RE sessions and Mass and is a reflective learner who is keen to ask questions about Jesus to deepen his knowledge. He is a wonderful role model to his peers and each day tries to live out our school’s key virtues of Faith, Hope and Love in his everyday life. He always has a cheeky smile on his face, brightening up everyone’s day and tries to follow Jesus’ teaching of ‘treating others as you would want to be treated.’ This is evident through his kind words and actions to everyone around him – both children and adults. He is a wonderful little boy, and we are blessed to have him in our class. Miss Berry and Mrs Hill are so proud of you Greg, well done!

Year 1

“A joyful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22
My Governor’s Award for St Joseph’s Class goes to someone who demonstrates our virtues of Faith, Hope and Love in a beautifully reflective way. This child embodies all of the fruits of the spirit, but must vibrantly of all the fruits they display joy. They walk into our classroom with beaming smiles, speak with joyful kindness to all their friends, and apply themselves to their work with a joyful determination to always be the best they can be. This child’s joy goes beyond our classroom and into all areas of the school, keen to demonstrate little acts of kindness with every step and share the joy for all, known to found tidying up other cloakroom areas as she passes by. This little girl is quick to forgive, always ready to be a friend to someone in need and a fantastic role model for us all. What a blessing to have you in our class. Thank you for being so joyfully YOU, well done Phoebe.

Year 2

This member of St Peter’s Class embodies all of the St Joseph’s values in everything she does. She is a kind, caring and hard working member of the class, and it is a joy to see her positivity shine through every day. She shows her peers what it means to love their studies by listening carefully to lessons and having the confidence to participate in our class discussions. Her self-belief and willingness to go the extra mile makes her a fantastic role model for her peers; we can all learn from her motivation to bring out the very best in herself and others. She should be truly proud of the faith that she shows every day, inspiring others to share their ideas and enrich their own learning. Furthermore, her creativity shines through in her work; she is always using her imagination and determination to create excellent pieces of writing. It is wonderful to see her embody such a positive attitude to learning each and every day. Well done, Freya, for REACHing in all that you do, and for being such a kind and conscientious member of St Peter’s Class.

Year 3

It is a pleasure to present this term's governors award to a member of St Patrick’s class who has been working hard to reach in all they do. This little girl has been exemplifying our values of resilience and empathy, being kind and considerate to both the children and adults in our class. She is keen to share her creativity - being an inspiration to us all with her beautiful drawings and prayers. She embodies the words of Pope John Paul II when he said “None can sense more deeply than you artists, ingenious creators of beauty that you are, something of the pathos with which God at the dawn of creation looked upon the work of his hands.” We are all so proud of you, and so lucky to have such a beautiful soul in our classroom. Well done Elizabeth.

Year 4

Saint Therese of Lisieux said “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.” My choice for the Governor’s award embodies this entire quote. The virtue of love is so strong in this young lady, that it radiates from her and bathes us all in her unending warmth. In lessons, she is determined and resilient. She builds others up around her with kindly words. She smiles when she makes a mistake and relishes the joy of succeeding where she has once failed. This young lady is quiet, modest and kind in the playground and never misses an opportunity to help. Her care for our school community extends to the wider world, where she is an active member of the Eco-Committee. Thank you for taking every opportunity to do the smallest right and doing it all for love, Olive.

Year 5

This person has been a joy to have in my class this year. He makes me smile every single day through the love and compassion he shows. In Ephesians 4:2 it says, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” This quote sums up this young boy’s character completely. He is humble. He is gentle. He is caring. He lives his life with love in his heart. This brilliantly, fabulous young boy brightens my day and I know he will continue to be the most thoughtful, joyous person wherever he is. His positive mind set has been contagious within our classroom, helping others to see the positive in what life has to offer us. I know he will continue to sprinkle happiness and positivity to all those lucky enough to be around him. He sets high expectations for himself and always strives to be the best that he can be. Thank you Ryan, for everything - especially for leaving a lasting imprint on my heart. It has truly been a pleasure to get to know you, and we all wish you, all the best in everything you do.

Year 6

I have watched this young lady grow and flourish throughout Key Stage 2. It is now an absolute pleasure to be teaching her in Year 6 as she is both humble and gracious in all she does. This quote from Ephesians I feel represents her – ‘Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love’. With a kind heart, she approaches everyone showing her love for others; whether it is her friends, younger members of the school or staff, she treats everyone with compassion and empathy. She embodies our REACH values and is someone that I can always rely on to be a great role model for everyone as she has such high expectations. These high standards are shown throughout her work too as she is always aiming to be the best that she can be in all subjects, especially during RE, where her work shows insight and understanding relating to following in the footsteps of Jesus. She has impressed me with her quiet confidence playing piano in front of others and then singing an absolutely stunning solo during our carol service. On residential she tackled every obstacle with resilience and supported her friends (and me!) throughout our time away. It is truly a joy to have you in my class and I am so pleased to be your Year 6 teacher Lauren – thank you for being wonderful you.



We would like to award this term’s Governor Award to a little boy who we have seen flourish throughout his time in Reception so far this year. He thoroughly enjoys learning about Jesus and tries to be like Him every day through kindness and encouragement to his peers. In Religious Education sessions and Liturgical Prayers, this little boy takes his learning further by thinking deeply about what he has learned and asks powerful questions to deepen his knowledge and growing faith. In Hebrews 10:36 it says, “As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” This quote sums up this little boy’s character. He is kind. He is gentle. He is incredibly patient. Even though he is only 5 years old, this little boy displays these key virtues everyday he is in school. Miss Berry and Mrs Hill are so proud of you Thomas, keep shining brightly!

Year 1

This term’s Governor Award goes to a member of our class in recognition of how they demonstrate and live out their presence in Year 1 in accordance with Philippians 4:5:
“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”
This child’s gentleness, like a ray of sunshine, brightens our days with their courageous smile and warm heart. They consistently demonstrate the fruit of the spirit known as gentleness, showing sensitivity and care towards everyone in their class, including the teachers. This child is charmingly creative and keen to offer a kind smile and tender encouragement to friends when needed. They listen patiently and show deep empathy; creating a ripple effect in our class and inspiring others to follow in their lead.
Thank you for being a pillar of love, kindness and gentleness in Year 1. We are so proud to have you in our class; keep shining your gentle light on the world Isabella.

Year 2

It is a true pleasure to present this Governor Award to such a kind, hard-working and resilient member of St Peter’s Class. Always lighting up the room with an infectious smile, this girl in Year 2 encapsulates our school’s virtues of Faith, Hope and Love. She tries her best in everything she does; from always having the confidence to share her brilliant ideas to going above and beyond in her written work. It is wonderful to see her enthusiasm throughout all of our lessons; particularly in R.E., where her love for God and His world shines through. She is a fantastic role model for her peers, setting high expectations each and every day and treating those around her with kindness. She puts love, care and attention into all of her work, showing her true passion for learning and her thirst for knowledge. She is never afraid to add creative flair to her work, always ensuring that everything she produces is truly unique. This girl should be truly proud of herself for REACHing in everything she does – we are certainly proud of you. Well done, Charlotte, for always being such a kind, aspirational and hard-working member of our class.

Year 3

It is a pleasure for me to present the Governor award for this term to a member of St Patrick’s class who has been REACHing through all they do. Through our virtue of love they have been guiding their friends through difficult decisions. This person is always being the best they can be, and works hard to bring out the best in others, staff and pupils alike. They have been generous; both with their possessions and their time. With our value of high expectations, they strive to be the best they can be throughout the curriculum. They have been trying particularly hard in English and RE, writing beautiful poems to reflect the message of building the Kingdom of God. Their work this term embodies the words of Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” We are so lucky to have such a caring and hard-working individual in our class. We are so proud of you, well done Ella.

Year 4

It is with great joy to present the Governor award to a young man who embodies the essence of kindness, compassion and dedication in both his academic efforts and his interactions with others.
Despite only being here a short time, this young man has consistently demonstrated commitment to following in the footsteps of Jesus; emulating His teachings of love, empathy and service to others.
In the classroom, this young man shines brightly as a student; consistently going above and beyond to help us all. His willingness to always be a helping hand, whether it be in understanding complex concepts or troubleshooting ICT equipment for me (which happens regularly!), reflects his selflessness and genuine desire to make a positive difference to our school family.
Moreover, this young man always shows us the importance of perseverance and hard work, always striving to give his best effort in every task he does. His determination and resilience serve as a testament to his character, inspiring us all to embrace the challenges of life with courage and unwavering faith.
As we recognise the achievements of this young man today, we should all be reminded about the profound impact that kindness, compassion and dedication can have on the world around us.
Thank you for being such a kind and helpful member of the class… Thomas.

Year 5

Do not be fooled by this young ladies quiet demeanour. This stunningly, talented young person strives to be the best that she can be in every area of her life.
She is beautiful and kind on the inside and out, with her work reflecting her understanding of the values and virtues we aspire to uphold in school.
Through her faith, hope and love she demonstrates an open heart. She is so much more than she realises; mirroring what was written in Ephesians, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Her understanding of love, empathy and patience is weaved throughout everything she does. As a result, this remarkable child is demonstrating stewardship through both her commitment to the Eco Committee and how she strives to look after her local areas, whilst growing in confidence.
Thank you for being a talented, aspirational young person who has the kindest of hearts. You deserve to be celebrated - Violet.

Year 6

This positive, polite and kind young man is a truly valued member of St David’s class. God, our creator, has stored within our minds and personalities a great potential and ability and this boy demonstrates this by truly walking in the footsteps of Jesus. He considers how to be the best he can be setting high expectations for himself, and since the beginning of the year, he has been pushing himself in his work to achieve more. He is one of my brilliant team of servers and demonstrates unity of mind by showing a clear understanding of scripture and stories studied from the Bible; his faith, hope and love shine through in everything that he does. He is a friend to all and is well liked by his classmates, as he is fun and energetic yet empathetic too. Around the school, he is always polite and courteous to everyone; he greets me every day with a smile often asking how I am (or he leaves me a biscuit!). He is a real team player and always thinks of his peers and friends, and as a house captain, he is a super role model for others across the school embodying our REACH values and virtues. I feel that it is a privilege to be part of the final year of your primary school journey; thank you Alex.


We would like to award this term’s Governor Award to a little girl who always goes above and beyond to be the best she can be and is a little ray of sunshine. She radiates love and kindness to everyone around her, young and old, and always thinks of others before herself. This little girl daily demonstrates the key values and virtues of our school through her behaviour, positive attitude and gentleness. She is incredibly respectful and understanding. She is caring, humble and notices the beauty in everything around her. This little girl makes wonderful contributions to our Religious Education sessions and deepens her knowledge through questioning and reflections. She enjoys attending Mass and on a few occasions has taken part in the offertory. John 13:34 – 35 reads ‘…love one another: just as I have loved you…Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples’. This little girl lives out this Bible verse by trying to follow in Jesus’ footsteps through her words and actions and is a wonderful role model to her peers. She was particularly moved in a recent RE lesson where she learned about the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and therefore tries to love everyone around her, just as Jesus wants us to. We are incredibly blessed to have her in our class. Well done Hattie - Miss Berry and Mrs Hill are so proud of you and everything you represent! Keep shining brightly little girl!

Year 1
Inspired by the spirit of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the "Little Flower," this award is presented to a member of Year 1 in recognition of their faithfulness and love. They show us how even the smallest acts can make a big difference.
This child consistently brings their faith to life at school, inspiring others with your fun-loving joy, caring and compassion nature and open heart. We are especially touched by how they share the power of prayer from home, through sharing prayers written at home in school.
Their willingness to express their faith and share their love for God inspires us all. They are a shining light, and we are grateful to have them in our school community.
St. Thérèse reminds us that "a single act of love means more than a world of knowledge." This child embodies this beautifully, reminding us of the power of love and prayer in our daily lives. Willow we pray you will always shine God’s love and light on the world.

Year 2
We are delighted to present this term’s Governor’s Award to a member of St Peter’s Class, who is a ray of sunshine. Each day, her positivity shines bright, and her wonderful smile never fails to light up the room. With a creative flair and a passion for Art, this girl presents her work beautifully, with pride and determination. This girl in Year 2 encapsulates the core virtues and values of St Joseph’s; she shows Faith, Hope and Love through her self-belief, unwavering kindness and her hard-working nature. Always offering to lend a hand, she loves to be helpful around the classroom and loves to support her peers. She should be proud of the enthusiasm she brings to her studies; it is lovely to hear her ideas during our lessons, which she is never afraid to share with those around her. This is particularly true for R.E, where her love for God shines through; she sets a fantastic example, showing resilience, respect and confidence in all that she does. This girl follows in the footsteps of St Therese, through her little acts of kindness that make a big difference to her peers and her teachers. Well done, Edith, for REACHing in everything that you do – it is a true pleasure to have you in St Peter’s Class.

Year 3
Today I would like to celebrate the remarkable journey of a young soul who has exemplified the core values of our school with unwavering dedication and grace. Throughout this term, this child from St. Patrick’s class has embodied the essence of hard work, remaining steadfast in the face of challenges, and spreading joy wherever they go.

As we reflected on the teachings of the Eucharist this term, we are reminded of the profound message of love, sacrifice, and communion. Just as the Eucharist brings us together in unity and nourishes our spirits, this child has been a source of unity and joy among their peers, fostering an environment of inclusivity and compassion.

In the Gospel of Matthew, we are reminded of the words of Jesus: "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." This child has truly illuminated our school with their kindness, resilience, and joyful spirit, glorifying God through their actions. Today, as we celebrate them, let us all be inspired by their example to continue spreading love, kindness, and joy in our own lives. We are so lucky to have you in our class, well done Ilithyia.

Year 4
This young boy, with a heart as deep as an ocean, consistently goes out of his way to help others. Whether it's lending a hand to his classmates with their schoolwork, comforting a friend in need, or simply being there to listen, he exemplifies the essence of selflessness. His actions mirror the fundamental principle of Catholic Social Teaching, emphasizing the dignity of every human person and the call to care for one another.
Furthermore, this remarkable child doesn't just stop at helping others; he also encourages them to be the best version of themselves. He understands the power of positive affirmation and motivation. His words are like gentle sparks igniting the flames of determination in those around him. In doing so, he reflects the Gospel teachings that urge us to uplift one another, to bear each other's burdens, and to spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches us, "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) This scripture encapsulates the essence of the young boy's actions. His compassionate deeds not only brighten the lives of those he helps but also serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who witness his kindness.
Through his acts of kindness, his words of encouragement, and his unwavering compassion, he embodies the core principles of Catholic life and Mission. Let us all be inspired by his example to shine our light brightly and to spread love and kindness wherever we go.
Thank you, Edward

Year 5
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the impact your kindness and faith have on those around you. Like Saint Therese, you have a remarkable ability to spread joy and positivity through your small acts of kindness. Your thoughtfulness and compassion are truly a ray of sunshine on even the darkest of days.

You effortlessly follow in Jesus' footsteps and serve others in your church and through your chaplaincy work. Your commitment to your faith is unwavering, and it shines through in everything you do.

One of the things that stands out most about you is how you sprinkle kindness like confetti, allowing it to fall on those who need it most. Your little acts of compassion impact and touch the lives of so many, both in Year 5 and throughout the whole school.

Just like the flowers that are often associated with Saint Therese, you bring so much joy and beauty to the world around you. Your love of the earth's gifts is a reflection of the beauty that God has shared with us, and it is truly inspiring to see you bloom and grow every day.

Maya, you deserve to be celebrated for all that you bring to the world. Your faith, hope, and love are an inspiration to us all.
-Thank you Maya.

Year 6
A ray of sunshine is what this young lady is as she clearly demonstrates our REACH values and virtues in all that she does. Inside the classroom, she is one of the quieter members of our class and a quote that I feel resonates with her is from Isaiah, ‘in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength’. I have watched her confidence relating to subjects such as Grammar and Maths grow and flourish through her resilience and high expectations – she is always striving to be the best that she can be. When I watch her on the playground, I can see how she is made in the image and likeness of God as she is a loyal and fun-loving friend who demonstrates the virtue of love showing empathy and kindness to all - there are always lots of heart warming giggles surrounding her too! Her compassion and kindness extends to adults as well; she often shares her good news from outside of school with me, brings sketches to show me and creates thoughtful artwork for me – I use her bookmark every day at home! I am excited to see what you can achieve during your final two terms at St Josephs - thank you Sophia for being a positive and valued member of our class.


It is an absolute pleasure to present this term’s Governor Award to a little girl who is truly wonderful. She is incredibly kind and caring and a friend to all. This little girl radiates love to everyone around her, demonstrating the key virtues of our school. Her behaviour is exceptional and she works so hard in everything she does. We are always so proud of her. In Philippians 2:5, it reads, “In your lives, you must think and act like Christ Jesus”. This little girl lives up to this bible verse by following in Jesus’ footsteps on a daily basis and by always trying to be the “best she can be”. Each day this little girl enters our classroom with peace and a huge smile on her face, spreading calmness to everyone around her. Her positivity always helps others feel happy and she brightens up everyone’s day. Similarly to St Thérèse, this little girl’s small acts of kindness make a huge difference to individuals around her which has been wonderful to observe throughout the year. She listens intently during Religious Education lessons, weekly Celebration’s of The Word and Class Prayers, deepening her RE knowledge and faith. This little girl enjoys attending Mass at Church and is always respectful during times of prayer and worship. She is an asset to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and we are incredibly blessed to have her in our class. Well done Evelyn – Mrs Fox and Mrs Hill are so proud of you and all that you do! Keep shining brightly little girl!

Year 1
It is a pleasure to present this term’s Governor’s award to a member of St Joseph’s class who is both hardworking and kind. I have watched throughout this year the kindness and love he extends towards his friends and how he applies this not only in the classroom but at playtime as well. This hardworking and aspiring individual has a brilliant attitude to their learning and always strives to be the best they can be. This term, it has been great to see their confidence grow and becoming more resilient in their learning, as well as setting themselves high expectations in their work. Our school virtues of faith, hope and love are clearly present in this young boy’s attitude to life. Well done for being an excellent role model in our classroom and keep shining brightly - David.

Year 2
It is a pleasure to present this term’s Governor’s Award to a hard-working, polite and incredibly resilient member of St Peter’s class. Each morning, this girl never fails to bring positive energy into the classroom, putting a smile on the faces of her peers and her teachers. She sets a brilliant example to those around her; her high expectations of herself shine through in her willingness to take on any task that she faces. It is wonderful to see her REACH through Faith, Hope and Love each day; she truly believes in herself and her friends to be the best they can be, whether that’s by trying her best at every activity, or helping those around her when they need it. This girl’s unwavering kindness and conscientiousness makes her a fantastic role model, and we are so proud of her increasing confidence that she has shown throughout the year. This girl never gives up and takes pride in everything she does, going above and beyond the expectations. Thank you, Poppy P, for being such a kind and conscientious member of St Peter’s class. You follow in the footsteps of St Therese with your little acts of kindness each day – and they certainly make a big difference. Keep being you – we are so lucky to have you in our class.

Year 3
The Governor’s Award for this term for St Patrick’s class goes to a boy who has been working hard to REACH in all he does. Even though this child has not been with us long, the impact he has made is huge. He has shown us all what it truly means to embody our school virtue: love.
From the very first day, he started spreading joy throughout our classroom. He has this incredible ability to see the good in others, and that warmth just radiates from him. Remember the Bible verse in 1 John 4:8? "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." This child is a walking example of that love.
His growing faith shines through in everything he does. He is so curious and eager to learn more about God, and he asks fantastic questions, showing a beautiful hope for the future.
Nevertheless, it is not just about faith. His smile is contagious! He brings such enthusiasm to learning and playtime, making everything more fun for everyone around him. His kindness and joy are truly a gift to our classroom.
We are so incredibly lucky to have you in St Patrick's class. Keep spreading that love, keep asking those great questions, and keep bringing that fantastic smile with you every day. Thank you Callum, for being amazing!

Year 4
Our Year 4 Governor’s Award goes to a truly exceptional girl in recognition of her courteous, kind-hearted and gracious nature. In a world that can often feel uncertain, she stands as a beacon of faith, leading her peers by the light of her strong belief. The bible tells us in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.” This girl embodies this message perfectly. Her faith is not simply a personal treasure; it’s a guiding force she shares with those around her.

Through her generous heart, sparkling compassion and unwavering hope, this girl inspires others to live with open hearts. She demonstrates the power of love in its purest form, creating a classroom, a playground and a world, that feels a little closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. Your dedication to your faith is truly inspiring. You remind us that even the smallest acts of kindness can have significantly positive impact. May your light continue to shine brightly, and may it forever illuminate the path for others. Hebe, what a joy it is to have you as part of St George’s class.

Year 5
As these words are read out, I am sure most children and adults will guess who the receiver of the Governor’s award is just by the first, and most important, gift this young man gives to our school family.
This young man has a special talent for making ANYONE feel welcome. From a wave as you come into the classroom; to a child on their first day; or if you are having a bad day or just need someone to lift your heart, this child is first to recognise that and remedy it! The smile, wave and desire to make anyone feel special is such a precious gift and truly embodies the scripture quote; “be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2)
Furthermore, although he is not part of Chaplaincy, he recently has been volunteering for more roles to enhance the prayer life of our school. During Mary’s month, he gave up his break times to say the rosary in the church. The confidence and dedication to the Catholic Life and mission of our school is exemplary, and we hope you will consider Chaplaincy next year.
In class, this young man thinks deeply about everyone in his class family. He will help people when needed, and is always first to offer to help the adults too! Group work is a particular strength, and he champions success as well as encouraging his group when things aren’t going well.
This young man’s zest and joy for life is truly contagious and it brightens every room he is in.
We are so lucky to have you in our school family, thank you, Theo.

Year 6
In the words of St Catherine of Siena, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!” – this quote resonates with this young lady. Since September, I have watched her aspire to be the best she can be in all areas; she is always following in the footsteps of Jesus. Her perseverance and determination to succeed is inspirational to others and has meant that she has had an excellent final year at St Joseph’s. At the start of the year, she shared one of her favourite prayer books and throughout the year other children have been keen to read from this book; she has spread her faith through this small act. She has an inquisitive nature and enjoys learning more about topics we cover in our RE session, often asking interesting and relevant questions, which in turn, inspires others. She is fully involved in all aspects of faith across the school: she confidently stands up to read in various situations; she has served at Mass; and is an enthusiastic and dedicated member of the Chaplaincy team. Overall, she is inspiring others to REACH through Faith, Hope and Love and embodies our values here at St Joseph's - thank you for being a valuable part of St David’s Class Rosalie.