Miss Aimee Read
Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Alice Staples
Year 1 Teaching Assistant
Currently on Maternity leave.
- Saint Joseph's homework will be set on a Friday, this will include: Spellings-These will need to be practised at home ready for a test every Thursday. Reading, Writing and Maths homework will also be on alternate weeks. This will need to be completed and sent back in on the following Wednesday on teams.
- Once per term, the children will also have Religious Education Homework.
- P.E will happen every Wednesday and Friday- Please come to school in your P.E kit.
- Reading at home is very important for all children. Children will be rewarded with a reading point if they have read at home five times per week.
- Each week a child will bring home our Class Prayer Bag. Within the bag you will find a cloth (linked to our liturgical season), prayers and religious objects linked to the time of the year. Please use this to pray together as a family.
- Everyday a child will bring home Daisy our class wolf along with a storybook that you can read together overnight.
Each week, the children participate in our special lollipop challenges, where they complete four curriculum-based activities. This not only adds an element of excitement to their learning but also encourages them to engage with different subjects creatively. The children have been learning about how to take care of our environment by exploring their ideas and putting them into our reflections book. We have also focused on how we can say sorry to God through prayer. We additionally have a display in our classroom that highlights how the children are embodying all the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
My hope for Year 1 is to inspire, excite, motivate, and encourage children to become resilient, empathetic, confident, and aspirational individuals who strive to reach their full potential. I hold high expectations for the children to ensure they achieve their best, and I encourage them to set high expectations for themselves as well. The children work incredibly hard throughout the day, following a consistent timetable that includes Guided Reading, Maths, Phonics, Liturgical Prayer, Writing, Maths on Track, and Topic Work.
In Year 1, the children encounter the teachings of Jesus through various subjects, including Religious Education and RSHE. We teach them the importance of loving one another, showing empathy to their peers, equality and following in Jesus' footsteps, using our little way: Little acts, great love, big difference.