The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


School Dinners

Please see the menu on this page for Autumn/Winter 2024/2025 which runs until October 2024 half term.  We are very lucky to have Lucy and Leah our fabulous chefs from Caterlink cooking hot meals every day.  
Children pick their choice of meal each day at morning registration.
If your child has any allergies then you must inform the school Admin Team who will send out a form for completion.  Once received Caterlink will provide a special menu for your child and they can start having a school meal.
From 1st April 2024 school dinners will be £2.71 per day, payable online via Parentpay.  At the moment all Key Stage 1 children receive universal free school meals.  Unless you are entitled to free schools meals eg low income then children will be charged for dinners once they go into Key Stage 2 in Year 3.  If your circumstances change or you think you may be entitled to free school meals please go to Gloucestershire County Council schools page - free school meals link where you can check.  Please try to keep your Parentpay dinner account in credit, a lot of admin time is spent reminding parents/carers to credit their child's accounts.  Dinner money goes to Gloucestershire County Council.
If you have any questions regarding school dinners please email