As a Catholic School, Jesus Christ is central to every aspect of school life. Throughout the school day, children have the opportunity to pray, reflect and learn about the teachings of Jesus and how we can ensure that these remain in our every day lives.
Prayer life
As a school, we participate in collective acts of worship every day. Each morning, we have a Liturgical prayer, where the children listen to the gospel and learn more about saints within our faith.
Monday |
Gospel teaching (Child-led) |
Tuesday |
Hymn Practice |
Wednesday |
Class-led focus on key events and influential saints/people |
Thursday |
Class Liturgical Prayer (Based upon Teacher-led on a Wednesday, child-led) |
Friday |
Celebration of our school virtues |
During our Liturgical Prayer on a Monday, the children to listen to and reflect upon the gospel. The children unpick the key teachings of Jesus and consider how these teachings link to their own lives. Other whole school events are also linked to these teachings throughout the liturgical year such as Harvest festivals, Remembrance services, Nativities and Carol Services. Some of these are celebrated as a whole school, whereas others are celebrated in Key Stages. All of these, including Liturgical Prayer on a Monday, are planned by, delivered and monitored by the children.
Throughout the school year, children also attend and participate in class mass and whole school mass with parents, families and our school parish. We warmly welcome all members of our school family to join us for these - please see the school newsletter for more information.
Mrs Gwyer, our Co-Chair of Governors, works closely with school staff and families to help prepare the Year 3 children for their First Holy Communion.
Please see our 'Prayer and Liturgy' Policy below, written in collaboration with our partnership schools.
Our school prayers
At St Joseph's, we actively encourage spontaneous prayer throughout the school day. Children will use the reflection areas in the classrooms to support them, or will sometimes pray with Mrs Barron and Mrs Hill at break times at the convent. In May, the children lead in their own prayer at the convent and pray a decade of the rosary, alongside the most beautiful statue of Mary. This is open to all year groups from Reception to Year 6.
We also have prayers that we say with the children in the morning, at lunchtime and at the end of the day. Please see these prayers below:
Morning Prayer
Father in heaven you love me,
You're with me night and day,
I want to love you always, in all I do and say,
I'll try to please you Father, bless me through the day,
Inspiring everyone to REACH through Faith, Hope and Love,
Lunchtime Prayer
Bless us o God, as we sit together,
Bless the food we eat today,
Bless the hands that made our food,
Bless us o Lord,
End of day Prayer
God our Father,
I come to say,
Thank you for your love today,
Thank you for my family,
And all the things you give to me,
Guard me throughout the dark of night and in the morning,
Send your light,
Inspiring everyone to REACH through Faith, Hope and Love,
Religious Education lessons
At the beginning of each Religious Education lesson, children are also given the opportunity to reflect through the use of key questions or quiet meditation. RE lessons are supplemented by 'Celebration of the Word', PSHE, RHE and scripture time. Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is taught in all classes using the Ten Ten resource 'Life to the Full'.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and/or collective worship. We encourage you to come and discuss this with the Head Teacher as we want all children to benefit from the rich Catholic life of the school.