The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Parent Information

Below are some links to documents you may find of interest.


If you would like more details, please contact our Lead Practitioner, Natalie for more information or to arrange a visit by either calling 07851 592924 or 01453 860311 (during Pre-school hours) or emailing her on or via the committee on



Pre-school uniform is available to purchase via the setting – either new or preloved items – or from Batemans, Stroud. Wearing a uniform is not compulsory. Please contact the Lead Practitioner to find out more.


Polo Shirt St Joseph's Pre School Polo Shirt (

Jumper St Joseph's Pre School Sweatshirt (



Items ordered online from Batemans can be delivered to the Pre-school - allow 2-3 weeks for this - or you can choose "click & collect", in which case Batemans will notify you when they are ready.  See the link below for the Pre-school's section on Bateman's website.


Note that all clothing, whether uniform or not, should be labelled.  To assist in this, we have signed up to Stikins who supply stick on labels for schools - for more information go to the "Fundraising" page under Parent Information.


Admissions Policy 4.1

As per our Admissions policy (No 4.1), children are required to attend a minimum of 2 sessions a week that equates to one full day or two individual sessions (e.g. 2 x morning sessions). This policy also confirms how we prioritise admissions and structure our waiting list.


If your child is unable to attend for some reason, eg. illness or on holiday, please ensure that you have advised the Early Years staff in a timely manner, following the Pre-school's Child Attendance Policy (1.6.1).


What funding is available for 2, 3 and 4 year olds?
To find out what funding is available and can be used at St Joseph's Pre-school, click on the document below entitled "Nursery Education Grant".  This document gives details of what is available and is updated regularly.
We are also able to accept 9 to 23 month old funding (from September 24), for eligible children of working parents, who start part way through a funding term, and have just turned 2 years old.
Any questions concerning funding, please do not hesitate to contact the Pre-school's Treasury Administrator, via email, on
In addition ... The Committee and staff respectfully request that you adhere to policy 4.8.1 Parent/Carers, visitors & Professionals Code of Conduct, thus ensuring the best partnership we can have with you for the benefit of your child during their time at the Pre-school.
Fundraising: See separate page under 'Parent Information' for more details