The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Summer Term 2 2023/2024

During class prayers the children thought about Saint Carlo Acutis and how we can follow in his footsteps and stay close to Jesus as he did in young life.
We wrote a prayer asking for his help to be more like him....
Dear Lord,
Help to inspire us to be like Saint Carlo,
to help others in need, to be strong,
no matter how young or old we are we can still spread the word of God.
We can be kind to others and show our love to others through our actions and words.
Be aware of those who don't ask for help but need help.
Show resilience and keep spreading the joy of Jesus and show empathy to those in countries
where times are hard.
Every little action means a big difference to others and draws us closer to Jesus.
Week 2
This week we have been building our confidence when painting using warm and cool colours. We enjoyed painting two flowers and examining the difference between the colours used and how that adds to the mood. 
We have also been learning about St Carlo Acutis, the newest saint. Some call him the Patron Saint of the Internet. We used technology to help us in our Faith by making powerpoints about Passover, and were confident when presenting them to Year 4. 
We continue to be resilient when practicing for the times tables check. Everyone has improved their score since last week - well done!
Bea - When we did art it was really fun to discover all the different designs. 
Seth - I enjoyed practicing times tables.
Julia - I really liked doing a purple write this week. It was about an adventure story. Mine was about a girl called Emily who loses her koala!

Week 1

Welcome to our final term in Year 3!

We found doing our MOT on the iPads so exciting, we’re getting ready for Year 4 already. We have also been playing lots of multiplication games in class, you can find the website we use here.

In English we have been writing our own adventure stories. The children have been very creative, writing stories about things like a giraffe losing its roller-skates, a ninja with a missing sword and a lonely baby cheetah. I can’t wait to read them all when they’ve finished. There was definitely a lot of confident writing.

In PE we have been practicing for Sports Day with Year 4, doing relay races. We practiced our starting positions and have been working on our sprinting. We were very resilient and used our virtue of love when working as a team.

St Patrick’s class also enjoyed celebrating world empathy day, making bookmarks with our empathy resolutions on them. To show empathy we can cheer on our teammates and help others when they are stuck.