The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Meet the Governors

On 1st January 2024, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Nympsfield converted to an academy as part of the Little Way Catholic Educational Trust.

The Little Way Catholic Educational Trust (LWCET) is governed by the Board of Directors who are responsible for, and oversee, the management and administration of the Trust and all of its academies. The constitution and rules governing how the Board of Directors operates is defined in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Directors have overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the LWCET and are accountable to external government agencies, including the Charity Commission, the Department for Education and the Education & Skills Funding Agency (including any of their successor bodies) as well as the Bishop of Clifton. To access information about the LWCET please visit the Trust's website: Little Way Catholic Educational Trust


The Directors appoint Local Governing Committees (LGC) to oversee the work of individual academies.  They are a group of volunteers called Governors.


The constitution, membership and proceedings of the LGC is determined by the Directors and the Scheme of Delegation sets this out as well as acknowledging the authority delegated by the Directors to the LGC to run the Academy and fulfil its mission.


Local Governance Committees have delegated responsibility for the work of a single academy within the Trust. LGCs delegated remit will be focused on holding the Headteacher to account for the quality of standards and pupil outcomes, meeting the needs of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), ethos, wellbeing and spiritual development, attendance, safeguarding, health and safety and community engagement.


As there is a lot to do, sometimes LGCs choose to carry out their work in smaller committees and then feedback to the full Local Governing Committee meeting.


On an individual level, governors are expected to act like a 'critical friend', recognising and celebrating the achievements of the school, whilst pointing out shortcomings, striking an appropriate balance between support and challenge. They have a role to monitor the progress towards strategic priorities and targets, and that policies are correctly implemented.


The Local Governing Committee at a LWCET school are usually made up of 10 Governors, as follows:





Election Process

Foundation Governors


4 years

Appointed by the Bishop







4 years

Elected by all staff



4 years

Elected by parents


Declarations of Pecuniary and Personal Interest 

Each year members of the Trust Board and its Senior Leadership team as well as members of the Local Governing Committees are required to make declarations of their pecuniary interests and personal interests. Please refer to the documents at the bottom of this page for summaries of current declarations.


Have you considered becoming a Foundation Governor? 

If you are interested and have time to give please visit the Clifton Diocese Schools and Colleges website:


Governance | Clifton Diocese Schools and Colleges


Then use the Recruitment pull down menu to access a video about being a governor, a leaflet about becoming a school governor as well as the New Foundation Governor Nomination Form. 

Please contact  for further information.  We would love to hear from you. 


The following documents may be found at the bottom of this page:

  • Trust Governance Structure
  • Articles of Association for LWCET
  • LWCET Scheme of Delegation
  • Local Governing Committee Constitution
  • LWCET Trust Board and Senior Leadership Team Pecuniary and Personal Interests - January 2024
  • LGC members Pecuniary and Personal Interests - April 2024
  • Governor Attendance at Meetings during the last 12 months
Click on the following link to go to the LWCET Website: 
Current Members of the Local Governing Committee
Category Name Term Starts Term Ends
Foundation 1 Sydney Gwyer 01/01/2024 31/12/2027
Foundation 2
Nicola Connolly - Chair
01/01/2024 31/12/2027
Foundation 3 Vacancy    
Foundation 4 Vacancy    
Foundation 5 Vacancy    
Foundation 6 Vacancy    
Parent 1 Claire Wooldridge - Vice Chair  01/01/2024  21/11/2027
Parent 2 Annabel Hitchen  26/11/2024  25/11/2028
Staff Katharine Piper  01/05/2024  30/04/2028
Headteacher Clare Howells 01/01/2024 Ex Officio
Additional Governor  Astrid Barrowman
15/01/2025 14/01/2027

Mrs Nicola Connolly

Category of Governor:

Foundation Governor

Date Appointed/Elected for a 4-year term:

 1st January 2024                   

Appointed/Elected by:

Appointed by the Bishop of Clifton

Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:

Vice Chair of Governors; Nominated Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection; Link Governor for Maths;  Staff wellbeing; member of the Pay Panel

Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:

Parent of children attending the School


 I am a barrister specialising in family law.  I have vast experience relating to financial remedies and children matters.  I am a foundation governor and the Vice Chair of Governors at St Joseph’s.  I am the nominated governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection and the link governor for Mathematics and Staff Wellbeing.  I also sit on the Pay Panel.


 I am a very proud mother of two boys.  When not on family adventure walks or out exploring the outdoors with my boys, I also enjoy swimming, dancing and horse riding.  I also love music and sing with a band.


 I love the school ethos.  It is really important to me that this is upheld as I firmly believe that with a solid foundation, built through faith, hope and love, children really can REACH to be the best they can be, now and in their future.


Mrs Sydney Gwyer

Category of Governor:

Foundation Governor

Date Appointed/Elected for a 4-year term:

1st January 2024  

Appointed/Elected by:

Appointed by the Bishop of Clifton

Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:

Member of the Headteacher's Performance Management Panel; Link Governor for Chaplaincy, History, RE & PSHE, MFL and ECO champion

 Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:


We moved to Nympsfield in 1971.  Our 7 children were all at St Joseph’s school.  I worked as a dentist in the NHS, with my husband.  We have both been active within the Parish, supporting schools via PTA and Governors.  I have been a catechist, doing Communion classes for 10 years.  I enjoy reading, gardening, playing bridge and spending time with our 20 grandchildren.


Mrs Clare Howells 

Category of Governor:  

Headteacher of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Date Appointed/Elected for a 4-year term:

1st January 2024                          

Appointed/Elected by:

Ex-officio as Headteacher

Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:


Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:

Employee of the School 





Katharine Piper

Category of Governor:

Staff Governor

Date Appointed/Elected for a 4-year term:

1st May 2024 

Date Term Ends:

30th April 2028

Appointed/Elected by:

Elected by staff 

Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:


Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:

School employee



Mrs Claire Wooldridge


Category of Governor:

Parent Governor

Date Appointed/Elected for a 4-year term:


Appointed/Elected by:

Elected by parents (unopposed)

Date Term Ends:


Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:


Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:

Parent of children attending the School


With a pre-children career in financial services and corporate banking, I am aware of the importance of a well-run school. I have a particular interest in early years reading and phonics, and am a big supporter of the sporting activities and events attended by St Joseph’s.

When I have a few moments to spare I love gardening, horse riding and reading, and at the weekends we are active as a family, enjoying walks with the dog, bike riding and many other outdoor activities.

Our two eldest boys joined St Joseph’s in 2021 and our youngest started Reception in 2022.  I have been impressed with the school values and the way they are upheld throughout the school from day one. I was keen to help to further embed the fantastic sense of family, community and love of learning that the school inspires in our children by becoming a Governor.


Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months
Cllr Loraine Patrick

Category of Governor:

Additional Governor

Date Appointed/Elected for a 4-year term:

1st January 2024  

Date Term Ended:

19th January 2025

Appointed/Elected by:

Appointed by the Schools and Colleges Committee 

Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:

Link governor for English including DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)

Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:

Member of Dursley Town Council




Mrs Gabriella Tiley


Category of Governor:

Foundation Governor

Date Appointed/Elected for a 4-year term:

1st January 2024 

Date Term Ended or Stepped Down:               

7th October 2024

Appointed/Elected by:

Appointed by the Bishop of Clifton

Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:

Chair of Governors; Member of the Pay & Conditions Committee; Nominated Governor for Finance, Health & Safety and for Inclusion (Attendance, Behaviour and Special Educational Needs & Disabilities); Link Governor for Geography and Music

Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:



Following careers in banking and the TA, I spent some years working in my local parish and as a Registrar of births, deaths and marriages. Since 2012, I have worked as a commercial property asset manager.  Our 4 boys attended St Joseph’s between 2000 – 2020, before moving on to St Peter’s Catholic School, Gloucester. I am committed to Catholic Education and feel privileged to be able to use my professional skills to help support our wonderful team of staff who provide a secure, safe and caring environment where pupils are nurtured to be the best they can be. As a family, we enjoy visiting the Channel Islands, Cornwall and Cumbria. I also enjoy baking, reading and needlework, when time permits! 



Charlotte Hathaway


Category of Governor:

Staff Governor

Date Appointed/Elected:

1st January 2024  

Date Term Ended or Stepped Down:


Appointed/Elected by:

Elected by Staff (unopposed)

Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities:


Other Relevant Information, including any Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:

Employee of the school



Governor Vacancies
4 Foundation Governors
Foundation governors are appointed by the Bishop to ensure that the Bishop’ directives are implemented, especially with regard to admissions, Religious Education, Relationship Education and the Prayer Life of the school. Foundation governors are expected to be practising Catholics. If you are interested in becoming a Foundation governor or know someone else who would be interested, further information may be found on the Diocese of Clifton Website