The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.



At St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Nympsfield we pride ourselves in being an integral part of the local Parish community and value the close ‘family’ atmosphere that we achieve. St. Joseph’s is a happy and loving school where every child is known, respected and valued. We challenge and support all of our pupils so that they REACH their full potential and be the ‘best they can be'.

Inspiring everyone to REACH through Faith, Hope, Love is our School Vision and each child is encouraged to love, learn and succeed by following in the footsteps of Jesus. The foundations for all learning and outstanding behaviour (as recognised by Ofsted March 2014) are based on the teachings of the Gospel Values. 

The school ethos provides inclusion and encouragement for all, both academically, physically and spiritually. Anyone is welcome to join our school family, catholic, non catholic and all other faiths. We have developed an extremely competitive edge at St Joseph’s School, Nympsfield and actively compete in many local sporting events, performing at a high standard and often bringing the trophy home!  The whole team at St. Joseph’s delivers a rich and diverse curriculum as well as developing ‘life skills’ in preparation for the outside world. Every pupil experiences a varied and stimulating education within the spacious and beautiful surroundings of the Cotswold countryside.

When pupils leave St. Joseph’s, they have respect for one another and a positive self image – they are the HOPE for the future. All of our pupils achieve success, develop a love of learning and begin their journey as life long learner.

St. Joseph’s governing body, alongside our parish priest Fr Philip Beisly, work collaboratively with the team of staff and parents, in order to achieve the school’s vision and values. They are a very pro-active, supportive team who strive for excellence and achievement.

We have our very own St. Joseph’s Pre-school on site who work closely with St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Nympsfield sharing many events throughout the year as well as joining the school each lunchtime. Such close links ensure a smooth transition into Reception class.  The Out of School Club provides wrap around care from 8.00a.m.-6:00p.m and have recently been awarded an Ofsted rating of ‘Good.’

The children are in four Houses: Kestrels, Hawks, Falcons and Eagles and they regularly take part in a range of activities such as football, netball, music and talent competitions. These events are often organised by the House Captains-our Y6 pupils.

The children at St. Joseph’s enjoy learning, are motivated individuals and are exemplary in how they behave. ‘The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. They are consistently polite and respectful to each other and to all adults. They hold doors open and stand back to let adults pass without being reminded. Their manners are impeccable because they know that this is what is expected at St Joseph’s.’ (Ofsted 2014)

They would be delighted to meet you and tell you all about their school. The website is designed to help give visitors a true insight into school life but it is also for our parents and carers to make use of, keeping in touch with events and staying informed as to what is happening at school.

I hope that you enjoy exploring our website and if you have any further questions, then please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Clare Howells
Head Teacher