Hair Styles
If your child has hair that is shoulder length, it must be tied back at all times. A completely shaved head would be deemed unsuitable as would partially shaved heads, tramlines/designs. Hair should be no shorter than a no.2.
Jewellery, hair accessories, nail varnish and tattoos are not to be worn at school. Anything that is worn in a child’s hair should be in school colours and modest, no big bows, clips or hairbands.
If earrings are being worn, due to health and safety reasons, only one set of small studs are acceptable. They should be removed for PE lessons.
Young children find laces difficult, please avoid these when your child starts school. Buckles or Velcro are often more practical solutions. Children should only wear shoes with laces when they are able to tie them themselves – this includes footwear for PE.
Please label your child’s school shoes and wellies. The shoes are often the same and are very difficult to tell the difference when there are children with the same shoe in the same size.