The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Autumn Term 2 (2024-2025)

Term 2 Week 2

We have been blown our teachers away at school with our beautiful reflective Remembrance Assembly. Mrs Howells came to the classroom after to share how proud she is of us. We each got a REACH point from Mrs Daly for our confidence and empathy during the assembly. We have made lots more Poppy inspired crafts this week too. 

This week in Maths we have been looking at ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ maths problems, and showing resilience as we learn and use ‘fewer than’ in spoken sentences.

This week our focus has been on ‘empathy as we observed anti-bullying week. We made posters about ‘Choosing Respect’, along with a video to share with the school in Celebration Assembly.

This week in RE have we have been reflecting on the faithful journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem, making donkey puppets, creating a junk modelling Bethlehem, a big build Bethlehem and a some big mark making maps of a journey in smaller groups. 

We are continuing to demonstrate high expectations in our super sentence writing.

We have loved creating some pirate play items from junk modelling, allowing us to 'choose respect' and play empathetically with our friends. 

We have loved our Outdoor Learning this week, where we have started making pinecone hedgehogs and hedgehog inspired homes, using our focus on choosing respect as we move around nature, recognising our field is a home for wildlife.


In PE we loved using the story: Angry Roar to inspire our confident movement. Thank you Mrs Ind for letting Reception borrow some book linked to our Anit-bullying focus. 


This week's buddy time gave us time to work together on our Rotary Christmas Shoebox Appeal.  We can start to bring the items in school from Tuesday.  the list they created with their buddies is coming home on Monday. 


Please remember to send Nativity costumes in ASAP. 


Thank you to our Mystery Reader: Mrs Long! 

Term 2 Week 1

We have returned abuzz with excitement over the changes made to the classroom provision, with a home corner in place of the picnic role play.

The children continue to demonstrate confidence subitising (don’t count see the amount) to 2, and showing resilience for subitising 3 and finding 4,

As part of our ‘Let’s Celebrate’ topic we have been creating aspirational rangoli patterns and diva lamps for a Diwali focus and have been creating firework pictures for Bonfire Night focus.

As we begin to look forward to moving with Faith, Hope and Love into the upcoming season of Advent we have begun our unit of Prophecy and Promise, this week we considered how Mary was chosen by God to be Jesus’ mother.  We reflected on the message from the angel, and created feathers to make largescale angel wings for us to become an angel too!

Finally, we made poppy stones with our Y6 buddies ready for our Remembrance Assembly.

Thank you to our Mystery Reader: Mrs Jordan