The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Spring Term 2 (2024-2025)

Spring Term 2, Week 2

Wow! How amazing has this week been?  We really enjoyed everything that came with World Book Day. We have shone with confidence writing shape poems to share in the assembly, we have oozed with empathy as we explored what it means to have the feelings we were dressed as for World Book Day – thank you all so much for making a fantastic effort for the children’s outfits, they looked amazing and was a really lovely celebration of everything the book is about.  If you don’t own a copy, your local library may have one in circulation:  The Emotional Menagerie - The School of Life.

Aside from a very exciting World Book Day, we have loved growing our resilience with our Outdoor Learning, building amazing tents/dens, showing resilience to overcome some tricky builds and working together with high expectations.

For Mathematics we have been continuing work on the staircase patterns and enjoyed some creative counting games both inside and outside showcasing our aspirational counting ready for our next steps of learning. 

Thank you so much to all the parents, and grandparents that came in to read with the children, and supported the Chaplaincy/School Council Fundraiser through hot chocolate purchases.  We are so grateful! 



Spring Term 2, Week 1

In St. Mary’s Class we have returned to school for the second half of our reception year radiating our REACH values. We are having so much fun in the new role play area; St. Mary’s Vet Clinic where we are looking after a lot of animals, and are grateful to have been guided by an email exchange from a real life Vet.  Dr D who lives in North Carolina, and is Mrs Daly’s best friend, so she has given us pictures of her daily life as a vet – including an x-ray of a dog that had eaten not 1, but 2 golf balls.  Having been inspired by the x-ray images we have created our own with black paper and chalk.

We are really enjoying being aspirational with our Mathematics, and have created staircase number patterns, practicing our cutting, counting and ordering skills.

We have celebrated our faith with love and confidence in RE by learning about and sharing a Mardi-Gras inspired parade and showing this to Year 6.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our classroom in a few weeks to look at all our learning in our floor books.