Week commencing 24th February 2025
Welcome back to spring term 2! I hope you have had a lovely break and are enjoying the beautiful sunshine we are now having.
Some activities we have completed this week are: in DT we started our topic on 2D to 3D designs and began analysing different purses that are already out on the market and looking at who the intended user is; in History we started looking at the Anglo Saxons and the reasons why they invaded, the children were so inquisitive and asked so many questions that they want to find out; in Computing, the children are looking at creating media and they looked at PowerPoints and where they might have seen these before; we had our first dance lesson in PE this week which the children loved and had so much enthusiasm for, they cannot wait to continue it and see the choreography for the dance.
On Friday afternoon, we attended a local primary school to watch a show about internet safety, the children loved this and it was a very informative performance. The children had some important things to remember that they were taught throughout this.
Have a lovely weekend, the children have come back this week full of high aspirations and ready for another amazing term.
Week commencing 10th February 2025
We have made it to half term! The children have had a super week this week, really challenging themselves and having confidence with every activity that is put in front of them.
There were many activities that we completed this week which were: In Science we completed our investigation and drew conclusions from our results; In RE we looked at the Sacrament of the Sick and how this links in with Jesus’s teachings; In DT we evaluated the torches we made; In our violin lessons we demonstrated high aspirations by playing a full song; We enjoyed our REACH treat where we had to escape out of the chocolate factory; In Maths we did some amazing problem solving.
I hope you all have a lovely well-deserved break over half-term and have a nice rest and relax!
Week commencing 3rd February 2025
In Year 4 this week we have completed many exciting activities and have all been REACHing to be the best we can be. This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week and the focus this year is ‘know yourself to grow yourself.’ We completed various activities where we considered what mental health is and how we can look after our mental health, we spoke frequently about kindness and how this is something we should always be, all children demonstrated excellent empathy to others. One of our many activities that the children thoroughly enjoyed was our yoga that we completed, we discussed how exercise is amazing for promoting positive mental health and how it can make us feel healthier and better. The children were really focused and were demonstrating excellent confidence whilst trying all the new yoga poses.
Some other activities we have completed this week are: furthering our skills in swimming this week as we are becoming more and more confident; we made our torches in DT which was very exciting; In RE we looked at the Sacrament of Reconciliation and designed wonderful posters to show reconciliation but also how sin can divide us from our relationship with God; In Science we planned our investigation with the enquiry question ‘which materials will conduct electricity?’; In our music we are continuing to excel with our violin lessons and having high aspirations whilst we lean new songs.
Week commencing 20th January 2025
This week has been packed full of fun this week, Year 4 have been full of high aspiration and excellent ideas.
Some activities we completed this week are: we looked at creating a series circuit in science and considered why a circuit may not work; in Geography we looked at the capital cities of South America and then we also looked at the different time zones and why these occur; the children have yet again demonstrated superb confidence in swimming this week, learning lots of new skills; in Maths the children have been the best they can be, always trying their hardest with everything whilst learning about column addition of two 4-digit numbers; in RE we looked at the Parable of the sheep and the goat and we discussed the meaning behind this, the children then had very high expectations as we did an extended piece of writing based off of the question ‘Is it easy to live the way Jesus wants us to?’; the children had super resilience as we continued learning the violin this week, the children even started to play with the bow!
We have had a really super week and cannot wait to continue with some amazing learning and to always be REACHing in everything we do!
Week commencing 13th January 2025
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year! Year 4 have settled back in amazingly to school and are demonstrating high resilience in all they do. We have been starting new topics which is very exciting and the children have been very inquisitive asking lots of questions.
Some activities we completed this week are: starting our new topic on electricity in science where we looked at what it is and the potential hazards of electricity and how we can keep safe around it; in Geography we are starting our new topic on a South West Study, we looked at South America and identified some of the human and physical features; in PE we had our first swimming lesson where the children demonstrated exceptional confidence; in DT we started out topic on simple switches and did some research on the torches that are already on the market; in RE we looked at different miracles from the bible and what they us about Jesus.
What a great start to the term Year 4! Keep up the super work and always being the best you can be.