The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Autumn Term 1 2024/2025

Week 3
This week Year 3 have enjoyed working on their DT unit of shell structures, practicing cutting, folding and scoring to make a paper dice. We loved playing games with them, and had high expectations when sticking them together. Myself and Mrs Jenkins were impressed with how neat they are. 
We continue to love gymnastics, moving in aspirational ways around the room practicing our star pose. 
In RE, we have been working on our virtue of faith by writing a class prayer. You can read it below.
Heavenly Father,

Alvin - Help us to love God throughout our new school year,
Ruari - We thank you for our great teachers,
Freya - I will show my holy spirit throughout the year,
George - Help us to welcome the new teachers to our school,
Winnie - And welcome the new children,
Roman - Thank you for my new classroom,
Edith - Thank you for all the new things we can be a part of,
Teddy H - Help me to enjoy this new year,
Tristan - I pray for the success of my friends,
Charlotte - Thank you for making us laugh and all the things you have given us throughout last school year,
Poppy B - Thank you for helping me through last year,
Henry - We thank you for the gift of a new year,
Erin - We praise you for the food we have at school,
Cooper - Thank you for our music teachers that help us learn,
Olivia - Thank you for all the clubs available to us,
Zack - Thank you for all the great new PE teachers,
Rosie - We thank you for our visitors and pets,
Maisie - Thank you for all the books in my classroom,
Archie - Thank you for guiding us through last year,
Poppy P - We thank you for helping us get to Key Stage 2,
Charlie - Thank you for our family and friends that prepare us for school,
Frank - Thank you for a new school,
Alfred - Thank you for all our new friends,
Teddy - Thank you for all the rewards you give us at school,
Ella - Thank you for the love you give us,
Mia - Help us though the challenging year,
Jemima - Knowing lord, please help us be the best we can be in the school family,
Isabella - Thank you for guiding us through Faith, Hope and Love.
Week 2
What a fantastic first full week back we have had in Year 3! I am so impressed with the focus, dedication and high expectations the children have shown in their work this week. We are definitely ready for Key Stage 2!
This week, we have been retelling the story of The Princess and the Pea in English. We enjoyed practicing our royal wave!
The children have been aspirational learners in Geography, finding Google Earth particularly interesting. Here is the link in case your child wishes to access this from home. As always, please ensure your child is supervised whilst using the internet.
We really enjoyed gymnastics this week, working on our confidence when climbing and performing different poses whilst using our new apparatus. We have some very confident climbers indeed!
Here is what the children have thought of this week:
Mia - I really liked lunchtime with my friends
Poppy B - I liked seeing everyone
Archie - I also loved seeing my friends again.
Jemima - I have enjoyed being challenged in Maths.