The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Autumn 2 2024

Week commencing 16th December 2024

We have made it to the last week of term and all the children are super excited to break up for Christmas!

We have had such a fun jam-packed week, where the children have demonstrated super resilience through all the activities. The children did a superb job at the carol service this year, it was truly magical and bought the Christmas spirit to everyone. The children have had high aspirations when completing activities this week.

Some of the activities that we completed this week was Christingle; a magical carol service in the church; in English we started our new unit on free verse poetry which all the children thoroughly enjoyed; Christmas parties; Christmas problem-solving in Maths.

Myself and Mrs Pickering wish all of you the happiest of Christmases and hope you have a restful break with all of your loved ones.

Week commencing 9th December 2024

We have had a super week in Year 4 this week with lots of fantastic things going on. On Tuesday, we watched the dress rehearsal for the nativity which was amazing and all the children thoroughly enjoyed. We have also been practicing super hard for our carol concert that is coming up and demonstrating super confidence when singing.

Some activities we completed this week are: in History we looked at mummification and helped the hopeless embalmer to sequence the steps of mummification; in RE we looked at the Jesse Tree and we researched different prophets that would go on the Jesse tree demonstrating high aspirations; in PE we did a Christmas line dance to jingle bell rock.

Have a super weekend and relax ready for the last week of term!

Week commencing 2nd December 2024

Year 4 have had a really super week, we have been up to lots of interesting and exciting things, they have really had high aspirations this week in everything they have done.

Some activities we have completed this week are: planning an investigation in Science to investigate which material is the best at muffling sounds; in Maths, we demonstrated excellent resilience when things got a little tricky; in History we had to help solve the crimes of the tomb robbers and understand how certain artefacts gave us the knowledge of who they belonged to providing us with information about life in Ancient Egypt; in RE this week we looked at the Feast of Christ the King and how it is portrayed in music and art, we also gave our opinions of whether we liked the piece of art and why; in English we wrote some super non-chronological reports on a topic of our choice, they were so interesting to read!

Keep up the great work Year 4, we have an exciting few weeks ahead, keep being the best you can be and having confidence in everything you do!

Week commencing 25th November 2024

We have had a brilliant week in Year 4, there has been so many exciting things happening! We had our wonderful Advent Retreat on Thursday afternoon where all the children worked and listened beautifully at the different stations, all children had a lovely time and produced some things for our reflection books.

Some activities we have completed this week are: in Science we looked at the pitch of instruments and how we can change it; in Music we were playing the glockenspiel to Mamma Mia and also singing along; we have all been showing super resilience in maths as sometimes it has been a bit tricky; in PE we have been implementing in what we have learnt throughout our lessons and putting it into a game scenario; in RE we looked at what makes a good leader and what qualities Jesus demonstrates as a good leader; in Art we had high aspirations as were looking at sketching in the style of Gustave Caillebotte and we did step by step drawing of a face focusing on the proportions and using different marks; in Gardening we had so much fun tidying up the flower beds, digging for soil and finding lots of worms!

Well done Year 4, what a super week we have had and you have all demonstrated high expectations of yourselves.

Week commencing 18th November 2024

Year 4 have had a super week this week, demonstrating lots of our REACH virtues and values.

Some activities they have completed are: in PE we have continued to look at our skills in basketball and applying them to game scenarios demonstrating super confidence; in History we discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb and had to crawl through the chamber and discover the artefacts and say what we thought they were and what they were used for; in English we began looking at non-chronological reports about Ancient Egypt and making links from our History, showing super resilience; in Gardening we were completing lots of activities such as digging up some soil, tidying up the flower beds and we even found a toad!

Keep up the excellent work Year 4!

Week commencing 11th November 2024

It has been a great week in Year 4, we have been up to lots of lovely activities. This week has been anti-bullying week and we have been focusing on ‘choosing respect’ and how we can show this. All the children have been demonstrating the virtue of love and the value of empathy. On Monday, we had a lovely remembrance assembly led by Year 6 and Reception, where all the children listened beautifully and did some wonderful singing.


Some activities we have completed this week are: creating a song/rap about anti-bullying, where the children got into groups, wrote  and rehearsed their song/rap; in History, we looked at the River Nile and the importance it held for the Ancient Egyptians; in RE we looked at the story of Elijah and the widow and thought about what message it told us; in PE we are continuing our unit of basketball, we have looked at the bounce pass and the chest pass.


Keep up the great work Year 4, showing super confidence in everything you do!

Week commencing 4th November 2024

Welcome back! The children have settled in really well this week, coming back with bounds of enthusiasm ready for the term ahead. They have been demonstrating excellent resilience as we have been starting new topics in our subjects.

Some activities we have completed this week are: planning to go on an expedition to Ancient Egypt, we looked at what it was like back then and how it is different from today; in Music we looked at the song Mamma Mia and began to think about rhythm and pulse in the music, we also started to learn and sing the song; we began gardening, where the children thoroughly enjoyed getting their hands dirty and getting stuck in demonstrating listening and working hard to do their best; in Art we completed a task where we had to draw a self-portrait and choose suitable colours to complete it; basketball in PE, the children are learning lots of new skills including the chest and bounce pass.

Keep up the excellent work Year 4 showing confidence and empathy in everything you do, we have lots of exciting things coming up!