The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Spring Term 1 2024/2025

Week 5
This week we enjoyed lots of special activities for Mental Health Week. We designed our own islands of personality and saw if we shared any with anyone else. Our most popular islands were Lego Island, Cat Island and Pokemon Island. We are so lucky to share so many interests with the people around us. This makes it easier for us to show empathy to everyone in our class. We are a community who lift each other up!
Dance continues, we have finally finished our routine and can't wait to practice it ahead of performing. We will be very confident when the time finally comes!
In RE we grew in our faith by learning about John Bosco. Did you know that he was born in the Alps? He also knew a lot of circus tricks which he used to entertain children and bring them closer to God.
In English we started our new topic on instructions, writing instructions for an experiment. Perhaps you would like to write some of your own instructions at home?
We also did a Science experiment on magnets. We found out that not all metals are magnetic, even though
they may look it. It was fascinating! 
With only one week left until half term, St. Patrick's class are still being the best they can be, and working hard across all we do. Well done Year 3!
As the children will confirm, we had some technical issues uploading the photos from this week. Hopefully they will be up by the time the next post goes up. 
Week 4
We have had a very exciting week in Maths beginning our topic on column subtraction. We have been very resilient, it is our fist time learning this. We are getting better and better every day!
Our unit of dance continues, we now have two minutes of choreography to out song, Shape of You by Ed Sheeran (we are dancing to the karaoke version). The routine is looking amazing and I'm sure we will be uploading a video when we are finished. We are super confident now!
We have been carrying on with our Kenning poems in English, learning when to use 'a' and when to use 'an'. We can't wait for all our grown ups to read our poems at Parent's Evening.
We have grown in our Faith this week by writing a class prayer inspired by Don Bosco's compassion and respect for others. You can read it below:
Dear Lord,

Please help us to be loving and compassionate to others,

Thank you for the Fruits of the Spirit that we show every day,

We will show our gratitude to our school through our faith in you,

We promise to be kind and faithful in you always,


Week 3
The children say that we have had a pretty normal week in St. Patrick's class. We enjoyed some special visitors in RE this week, helping us to grow in our faith. We have been learning about three parables. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure, The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price and the Parable of the Sower. We particularly enjoyed watching a video about the Parable of the Sower. You can watch it here. We looked at things most people want (such as big houses and fast cars) and compared it to things God wants (such as Faith, Hope, Love and Human Rights). We were empathetic looking at the Jubilee year in Class Prayers, becoming Pilgrims of Hope and looking at injustices around the world.
In maths we continued to look at column addition (this is our homework for this week). It hasn't always been easy, but we have been very resilient and are understanding it more and more every day. 
In dance this week we began learning our routine based on our topic 'Use the Force'. We are very excited to perform it one day. 
In DT we practiced some focused tasks to begin making our greetings cards. You can see some pictures below!
On Thursday we began our topic on Kenning poems. Here is one we have written just for you:
A Cat Poem
A milk drinker,
A mouse catcher, 
A loud meower,
A big scratcher, 
A noisy purrer,
A tired sleeper,
A silent explorer,
A long jumper.
What am I?
A cat!
Week 2
It was our first full week back in St. Patrick's class and we have been very busy!
We continued with our unit of dance which we have been enjoying lots. We played lots of movement games around our topic 'Use the Force!'. We had a great time, grew in our confidence and took some great pictures too.
In maths we have just started looking at column addition. This has been very popular, and the children have been very resilient learning new methods. We have been showing off our high expectations by making sure our work is presented really neatly. We even had time to look at equivalent fractions too.
In English we have been continuing our work on traditional tales, and started looking at subordinate and main clauses. We found it really interesting, we didn't know that these parts of sentences had special names. We are determined to be aspirational and use them in our writing all the time.
We had our first lesson of Science this week, looking at how objects move differently on different surfaces. We used a toy car to help our experiment. The car moved best on the hall floor, but did not move as well on the grass.
We have also been working very hard to grow in confidence trying to perfect our pencil grip. Pinch it, flip it, grip it!
Week 1
What an amazing start to the term we have had in St. Patrick's Class. The children have returned well rested and ready to go - albeit in a very short first week back.
We have loved starting our unit of dance this week. We are going to be far more confident in all our skills as the weeks go by. Our REACH activity this term focuses on basic computer skills. This week we learned how to log on and begin typing in a document. This was fascinating, and we became very resilient
In RE we began our new unit: Galilee to Jerusalem. We grew in our faith by focusing on the story of the journey of the Maji to Jesus. We thought it was really interesting how they studied the stars. 
We also continued our work on fractions, learning that in unit fractions, the smaller the denominator, the larger the fraction. This was confusing at first, but we were very resilient!
Looking forward to many more great weeks to come - and some warmer weather too!