The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Spring 1 2025

Week beginning 10th February
A two week blog due to illness last week
Last week was Children's Mental Health week. To celebrate this, we did a range of activities helping us to consider our Mental Health and how to keep ourselves healthy. Our absolute FAVOURITE activity was painting a tree. It helped us think about our roots; what is important to us; and what our hopes for the future are.
Today (Friday 14th) we have done SO many performances! Firstly, we performed our dance routine to Reception, Year 2, Year 3, the school catering team and the admin team! Secondly, we performed our REACH plays for Reception! It went REALLY well, and we also gave them bookmarks that we made ourselves to remind them of our REACH values.
In Maths, we have learned what congruent means and have been exploring translation and reflection. This has been a real challenge, but we have all been very resilient!
In English, we have really enjoyed our VCOP lessons- especially our brackets lesson. Now we are spotting brackets EVERYWHERE (including this blog!).  We have also been looking at subordinate conjunctions and where to put them. 
In Science, we have just finished our topic on life cycles. We answered the enquiry question "does the size of mammal affect the gestation period". We decided yes it does, but there are some anomaly mammals that don't fit what we expect!
We are now ready for half term! See you in a week! 
Week beginning 27th January
Mrs Carr Blog
As January draws to a close, I remain very impressed by Year 5!
We have done loads with long multiplication and short division (with remainders) this week which is a really vital but rather tricky concept to master. All the children have absolutely smashed it with such confidence and resilience. Really impressive!
In Geography, we have been using the "Going places" films from our Geography resource provider to enhance our lessons. This week we were looking at the human and physical geography of the Amazon rainforest, as well as watching a short film about the thousands of plant species that grow in the rainforest. A tree in particular caught the children's imagination; the mighty Kapok tree. If you have a copy of the Kapok tree book at home, it is well worth a read. So today, we got 113m of wool and mapped out how wide the Kapok tree in the film was. This really brought the learning alive for the children!
In PE, we continue to dance our socks off! I really hope you get a chance to see the video of them dancing on our Social media page- it is really impressive!
Finally, we did a dress rehearsal of our plays today. Next Friday or the Friday after, we will be performing them to our Reception class.
As ever, another busy but wonderful week with the super stars that is Year 5.
Have a lovely weekend!
Week beginning 20th January 2025
Year 5 Blog
This week in Maths we have been learning about short division. Once we know the steps, it is pretty easy and we are all full of confidence!
In Science, we have used the flowers from the class plant (the Mother of Thousands) to help us understand the structure of a flower in the reproduction of flowering plants. We were able to dissect the flower and could clearly use it help us understand more.
In Art, we were learning to sketch the sky to help us create a layered piece. We used watercolours to create different shades of the colours.
In English, we have just started our poetry unit. We looked at Brian Moses "Walking with my Iguana". It was so fun and it has a really strong rhythm to it. We loved tapping along with the rhythm! We have only seen it once, but we can already recite quite a lot of it off by heart!
In PE, we have been learning Tango steps, cha-cha-cha, and jive steps. We are linking them together to create Brazilian carnival inspired pieces.
In Geography, we have been learning about Rio to Rainforest but to complement this we have been watching a 6 part documentary from Odizzi about the rainforest. Last episode was exploring how we were connected to the rainforest; from toiletries to things we eat! Did you know there is a town in Ecuador called "Shell" named that because of the Shell garage headquarters that used to be there! 
In RE, we have looked at the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats and the Corporal Acts of Mercy. The Parable stuck with us in particular and we can recount it VERY well! This work also linked with our Class Prayers work celebrating the Jubilee year of Hope!
As you can see, we have been super busy and have worked SUPER hard!
See you next week! 
Week beginning 13th January 2025
Mrs Carr blog
This week, I would really like to celebrate the children's collaboration skills across all areas of the curriculum. It is such a pleasure to watch them work as teams, help each other, problem solve and achieve so much.
In PE, we are working together in teams to create a festival style dance. The children came up with the moves individually, then worked together to put them into a routine.
In RE, the children worked in separate groups to research Jesus' miracles. They then re-joined their "home" groups to pass on their learning and answer the question "what do these miracles tell us about Jesus?"
In REACH activity, the children are working in groups to create a play for Reception to help them understand our REACH values. This is a particular highlight of my week because the children are really invested in helping our littlest learners to understand the values that they feel are so important to being part of our school family. It is an absolute pleasure to see.
The maturity and independence is fantastic, and we have had such an incredible first full week back.
Well done Year 5!
Week beginning 6th January
Class blog
We have had a very short week this week, but it still hasn't stopped us starting our learning straight away!
In RE, we have been looking at the question Jesus asked his disciples "Who do people say I am?". We looked at how Jesus is drawn in other cultures and made sketches of our own. We also looked at the scriptures and answered the question "Who do people say I am?".
We have been looking at what we are going to be looking at in Geography. We are going to be looking at the Amazon rainforest and we watched a trailer of the adventure journey we are going to be exploring over the next 6 weeks. We can't wait!
In Maths, we are starting to learn about long multiplication. We started recapping short multiplication and then moved onto the distributive method. Today, we are going to tackle our first long multiplication calculations!
In English, we started our journey on instructions. This time, we have to add loads more detail but we can still identify the basic structure of the instructions!
We are looking forward to a full week next week!